BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
Passing Notes.cpt
Passing Notes
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Extensible Markup Language
16 lines
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
<cantModify><false /></cantModify>
<cantDelete><true /></cantDelete>
<cantAbort><false /></cantAbort>
<script>on mouseUpglobal PendStateif mouseH() < 10 and mouseV() <10 thenshow menubarexit to hyperCardelsecleanScreenend ifif name of target contains "Field" ¬and short name of target is not "DoNotPop" thenpopUp short name of targetexit to hyperCardend ifif short name of the target is "Home" thenif optionKey() is down thenvisual zoom ingo homeelsevisual zoom ingo stack "Library"if result() is empty thenelsebeepexit mouseUpend ifend ifend ifif short name of target is "SeatingChart" thenif optionKey() is not down thenvisual zoom opengo cd id 16794elseif PendState is "Msg Pending" thenset cursor to 4lock screengo cd id 12170send mouseUp to cd btn id 21unlock screen with zoom openelsevisual zoom opengo cd id 16794end ifend ifend ifend mouseUpon wleftvisual wipe leftgo (line 4 of script of target)end wlefton wrightvisual wipe rightgo (line 4 of script of target)end wrighton vdisvisual dissolvego (line 4 of script of target)end vdison doScro directiondo "visual scroll " &directiongo (line 4 of script of target)end doScroon openCardend openCardon closeCardcleanScreenend closeCardon popUp thatFieldcleanScreenlock screenset visible of cd fld thatField ¬to not visible of cd fld thatFieldunlock screen with dissolveend popUpon cleanScreenhide menuBarhide msgend cleanScreenon waiterwait until mouse() is downend waiteron doMenu WhichItemif whichitem is "If Monks Had Macs..." thenanswer ¬" This stack is from the package" &return¬&" “If Monks Had Macs...” 2.5.7" &return¬&" ©1988,1989 riverTEXT™"exit domenuend ifif WhichItem is "Quit HyperCard" thenif the freesize of this stack > 2000 ¬and the diskspace > the size of this stack thenAnswer "Compact this stack before quitting?" ¬with "Cancel" or "No" or "Yes"If it is "Yes" thenif cantmodify of this stack is false thenset loc of Message Box to 17,110Put " Compacting this stack before quitting"doMenu "Compact Stack"pass doMenuelseshow menuBaranswer "The Cantmodify of this stack is set to true," ¬&" so compacting is impossible at this time. Next session?"¬with "OK"pass doMenuend ifend ifif it is "No" thenpass domenuend ifelsepass doMenuend ifelsepass doMenuend ifend doMenuon openStackglobal Stacks,theSpeechcleanScreenif the version < 1.2 thenAnswer "Hypercard version 1.2, or later, is available at your "¬&"Apple dealer. Many functions of this stack require the new "¬&"features. Continue?" ¬with "Risk It" or "Go Home"if it is "Go Home" thenvisual dissolvego homeexit openStackend ifend ifif stacks is empty thenCheckGlobalsend ifAbout " ","If Monks Had Macs..."if theSpeech is empty then TurnSpeechOnset userLevel to 5end openStackon CheckGlobalsglobal GULevel,GPKeys,GTArrowsglobal GVPatn,GBTyping,GVMsg,GVToolgetHomeInfoput the userLevel into GULevelput the powerKeys Into GPKeysput the textArrows into GTArrowsput the blindTyping into GBTypingput the visible of the msg into GVMsgput the visible of tool window into GVToolput the visible of pattern window into GVPatnend CheckGlobalson closeStackglobal GULevel,GPKeys,GTArrowsGlobal GVPatn,GBTyping,GVMsg,GVToolglobal PendState,lastClickcleanScreenput empty into lastClickput empty into PendStateif GULevel is empty thenCheckGlobalsend ifset the userLevel to GULevelset the powerKeys to GPKeysset the textArrows to GTArrowsset the blindTyping to GBTypingset the visible of the msg to GVMsgset the visible of tool window to GVToolset the visible of pattern window to GVPatnaboutend closeStackfunction Mac